We’re investing in women in tech.
You can too by working with Toast.

Some of our clients include:

Why Hire Women In Tech?

Hiring women does more than tick a diversity checkbox. Diverse technical teams build more inclusive products, achieve greater business results and establish stronger relationships.So, what are you waiting for? At Toast, we partner with companies that want to build a more diverse and equitable workplace by connecting them with talented women in their field. We’re backed by the federal government and are helping businesses meet their ESG targets one placement at a time. Book a partnership call and find *Toast-worthy* talent.
The average cost to establish and maintain an Employee Resource Group (ERG) can range from $5,000 to $20,000 annually.
The cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to 200% of their annual salary. By retaining women in tech, a company can save significantly on recruitment and training costs.
Companies with a diverse workforce are 45% more likely to report improved market share. Retaining talented women in tech is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the market.
Companies with more women in leadership roles experience a 34% higher return on investment (ROI) than those with fewer women in leadership positions.
Our Process
Number 1
Step 1
Book a partnership call and learn about how you can hire more women in tech

Number 1
Step 2
Be matched with Toast-worthy candidate profiles from our talent pool.
Number 1
Step 3
Interview and hire top women in tech.
Our Results
of our clients interviewed our candidates in the past year
of our clients hired a FTE or contractor from us
average # of candidates our clients interview per month
candidates in our talent pool
Enhance Performance
Research consistently shows that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones. Gender diversity brings different perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches to the table, leading to more creative and effective solutions.
Boost Profitability
A McKinsey study found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams were 25% more likely to have above-average profitability. Partnering with Toast will help get your roles in front of top tech talent.
Foster Women’s Growth in Tech
Building a diverse team is just the beginning. Toast understands that it's equally crucial to develop and retain women in tech roles. Our inclusive work culture, mentorship programs, and continuous learning opportunities support the growth and advancement of women in your organization.
Tech Industry Representation
Despite holding 67% of STEM degrees handed out in Canada in 2020, by 2023, women only account for 23% of the tech industry in Canada, and 26% in the US. Toast can help you champion your business to a diverse talent pool and increase gender diversity on your teams.
Reflect Community Diversity in Hiring
Ensuring candidate pools are representative of the communities we serve enhances our ability to understand and meet diverse customer needs, fostering stronger connections and trust.
Encourage Women to Apply Proactively
Women often hesitate to apply for roles unless they are approached for the role or unless they meet nearly all the listed qualifications, typically around 90% of the criteria. Position yourself as an ally by appealing to more women job-seekers.
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